Client - Congregação das Oblatas do Divino Coração
Architecture - Helena Botelho, Arquitectura
Year - 2016/2017
Area - 520 m2
Location - Avenida Beato Nuno 277, Fátima
Collaborator Architects - Andreia Verissimo, João Veríssimo, Tiago André Pinto, Miguel Cavaleiro | Foundations and Structures - BETAR, Miguel Villar | Water distribution, plumbing, drainage - BETAR, Andreia Cardoso | Electrical Installations - OHMSOR, João Mira | Smoke exhaust and ventilation - OHMSOR, David Ferreira | - OHMSOR, João Mira | Supervision - HP Engenharia, Henrique Abreu | Construction Manager - DVR, Construções Divireis | Photography - Nuno Almendra, Helena Botelho Arquitectura